This page is to display my data explorations on Chicago Taxi Trips data set. Follow the steps to become familiar with the dataset and related visualizations.
Perhaps the best first step to study a dataset is visualizing it. The insights comming from visualizations and visual analytics can inform research or simplify properties that are otherwise very difficult to understand.
The dataset that is being used for this assisgnment is Chicago Taxi Trips dataset which was published on 2013 by Chicago Data portal. There are 23 attributes in this dataset. Dataset Attributes: trip_id, taxi_id, trip_start_timestamp, trip_end_timestamp, trip_seconds, trip_miles, pickup_census_tract, dropoff_census_tract, pickup_community_area, dropoff_community_area, fare, tips, tolls, extras, trip_total, payement_type, company, pickup_centroid_latitude, pickup_centroid_longitude, pickup_centroid_location, dropoff_centroid_latitude, dropoff_centroid_longitude, dropoff_centroid_location
The following map shows all the trips that started from Community Area 8 throughout one day.