The SIR Model

Atefeh Mahdavi

The SIR models the flows of people between three states: susceptible (S), infected (I), and Recovered (R). Each of those variables represents the number of people in those groups. The parameters alpha and beta partially control how fast people move from being susceptible to infected (alpha), and from infected to resistant (beta).

The system dynamics model presented here includes different stocks and flows. There are three main stocks which has inflows and outflows. The model is generated by the use of SD library developed by professor Dimitris Papanikolaou.

Suseptible Contacts Contact Frequency Depletion Contagion Infection Rate Contacts between infected and uninfect-ed people Infectivity Recovery Average duration of infection Total population Probability of Contact with Infected person B1 R1
Total population
Contact frequency
Average duration of infection
Susceptible Stock
Infected Stock
Recovered Stock