
We design and develop enabling systems that connect humans through their built environment and we study how social groups synergize through such systems. We envision a future in which ambient intelligence emerges naturally from how humans interact and share through their physical environment. Towards this end, we conduct research in three areas:


We develop technologies to connect people, objects, and places


We design social mechanisms to induce social behavior


We build data-driven simulations to predict urban dynamics

More About USL


Architecture and Culture

New paper "To Share or Not? A Critical View on Personal Mobility” freshly published at the Architecture and Culture journal, by Taylor and Francis

Knight Foundation Grant  

USL has been awarded a $23K grant from the Knight Foundation to develop "Charlotte Breaths", an urban scale network of remotely controlled inflatables that enhance social awareness and place making.

Research Highlights

Charlotte Breaths



Tidal Patterns of Human Mobility

Cloudcommuting Game

The Cost of Traveling by Self-driving Taxis

Data Driven Dynamic Modeling


Rethinking 80/20

Scenario Analysis of Shared Mobility Systems

The Potential of On-demand Mobility

Talking Rooms

More Projects

Publication Highlights

Architecture and Culture

Dimitris Papanikolaou (2019) To Share or Not? A Critical View on Personal Mobility, Architecture and Culture, DOI: 10.1080/20507828.2019.1653030

ACM UbiComp

Manoj Deshpande, Saquib Sarwar, Atefeh Mahdavi Goloujeh and Dimitris Papanikolaou. 2019. Poster: Pneuxels: A Platform for Physically Manifesting Object-based Crowd Interactions in Large Scales. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and the 2019 International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp/ISWC '19 Adjunct), September 9--13, 2019, London, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Springer CAAD Futures

Papanikolaou, Dimitris. “Computing and Visualizing Taxi Cab Dynamics as Proxies for Autonomous Mobility on Demand Systems. The Case of the Chicago Taxi Cab System.” In proceedings of CAAD Futures 2019: Hello Culture. KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, 2019 (Book with selected chapters from Springer Singapore).


Papanikolaou, D. BodyPrint: Exploring Architecture as a Medium for Human Interaction. In Proceedings of the 2016 Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA): Posthuman Frontiers: Data, Designers and Cognitive Machines (University of Michigan Taubman College, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 27 - 29 October 2016).


Papanikolaou, D.. A.J. Bernheim Brush, and Asta Roseway. BodyPods: Designing Posture Sensing Chairs for Capturing and Sharing Implicit Interactions. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction – TEI’15 (Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 15-19 January 2015)


Papanikolaou, D.. Cloudcommuting: Games, Interaction, and Learning. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children - IDC13 (New York, NY, 24-27 June 2013)

More Publications


Manoj Deshpande

MSc Student Arch/IT

Atefeh Mahdavi

PhD Student SIS

Saquib Sarwar

MSc Student Arch/IT

Eliot Ball

BA Student Arch

Ricky Young

BA Student Arch

Sai Narasaraj

MSc Student CS
Past Member

Neha Patil

MSc Student CS
Past Member

Arghavan Ebrahimi

MSc Student Arch/IT

Courses Highlights

Connective Environments 1: Human-Building Interaction (ARCH 6307/4050, ITIS 6010, ITCS 5010) / UNCC

Provides foundational skills in designing, prototyping, and programming interactive physical computing systems. Emphasis is on critical thinking and tradeoffs between technical complexity, end goals, design decisions, functionality, and quality of craft, when humans are part of the loop.

Data-Driven Urban Dynamics: Modeling, Simulation, Visualization (ARCH 6306/4050, MUD 6050, ITIS 8010/6010) / UNCC

Introduces data-driven modeling, simulation, and visualization of urban mobility systems for computational scenario analysis. Provides foundational skills in data visualization and in modeling and simulation of complex systems using System Dynamics (SD) and Agent-Based (AB) methodologies.

Connective Environments 2: Human-City Interaction (ARCH 7211) / UNCC

Investigates design, engineering, and empirical assessment of participatory cyberphysical systems of common pool resources. The course envisions a future in which coordination emerges collectively from how humans interact with data, with and through the physical environment.

Intelligent Architectures (ARCH 7104 Graduate Diploma Studio) / UNCC Spring 2018

Explores the design, modeling, and analysis, of intelligent architectural or urban ecosystems as well as their cyclic transitions in time, asking the question: how do we design intelligent architectures across technologies and scales?

Synergetic Cities: Form, Social Behavior, and Coordination (ARCH 6307/ITIS 6010/ITCS 5010) / UNCC Fall 2017

Graduate seminar between Architecture, Software Information Systems, and Computer Science that critically reviews the evolution and design principles of systems of urban and territorial intelligence, from the ancient networks of optical telegraphy to today’s internet of things.

More About Courses


Dimitris Papanikolaou, DDes
Founding Director, Urban Synergetics Lab
Assistant Professor, National Technical University of Athens
School of Architectural Engineering | +30 694 0606984 | +1 857 928 1707 |