Basic map with MapBox
Real-time bike sharing map of New York with JQuery
Parking meters in San Francisco with D3
Real-time bike sharing map of San Francisco with D3
Real-time bike sharing maps of three cities (split browser window)
Multiple real-time bike sharing maps in a matrix
Animate a point along a route (source: MapBox example)
Choropleth map of USA in D3
Choropleth map of Chicago in D3
Circular bar chart of inventory levels at stations of CitiBike NYC (real time)
Chord example 01
Chord example 02
Chord example 03
SVG Stack example 01
SVG Stack example 02
Other examples:
Animating an SVG graph along a path using skeleton.
D3 Agent 01
D3 Agent 02
D3 Agent 03
P5.js flock example