Data-Driven Urban Dynamics: Modeling, Simulation, Visualization
Project 1
Interactive Data Visualization
Chicago Taxi Trips
Atefeh Mahdavi
Charlotte B-cycle
Manoj Deshpande
NYC citibike trips using Chord Diagram
Shrav Mehta
City Bike Data with Tree Map
Tanu Singh
Effect of LRT system on Travel Time
Sonu Mathew
US Underground Well-Water Levels
Sri Yeshwanth
Project 2
Data-Driven Agent Based Systems
Game of Life
Atefeh Mahdavi
Gooey Landscape
Manoj Deshpande
Repealing simulation of particles
Shrav Mehta
Radar Object Detection
Tanu Singh
Hydrophobic & Hydrophilic reactions
Sonu Mathew
Project 3
Data-Driven System Dynamics
SIR Model
Atefeh Mahdavi
Modeling Spread of Disease
Manoj Deshpande
SIR Model for Spread of Disease
Tanu Singh
Project 4
Scenario Analysis